After upgrading Rails 3.2 to 4.0 we had an interesting and yet unexpected new error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column 'target_column'...
It turned out that MySQL strict mode
was not enabled in our Rails 3 project. And as a consequence MySQL silently truncated the content of all string or text type columns in case if they didn’t fit in the size of the given data type. In Rails 4 strict mode
is enabled by default, which is a very useful option and I definitely recommend to turn it on to avoid nasty bugs to hide.
So as a hotfix I decided to truncate the content to be aligned with the previous functionality.
I started with a simple test:
# spec/models/my_model_spec.rb
# target_column is a text field of the my_model model
describe '#truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size' do
context 'when the target_column field is blank' do
it 'throws no error' do
described_class.create(target_column: nil)
context 'when the target_column field is too long' do
it 'truncates it' do
max_length_of_target_column = 65_535
target_column = 'a' * (max_length_of_target_column + 1)
model_instance = described_class.create(target_column: target_column)
expect(model_instance.target_column.length).to eq(max_length_of_target_column)
Then the implementation came along:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size
def truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size
return if target_column.blank?
max_char_length = 65_535
self.target_column = target_column[0, max_char_length]
As a result the error rate dropped dramatically, but not 100%.
I found an example from the logs, which had less than 65 000 characters. I was one step closer to start tearing my hair out. As my last desperate attempt I tried target_column.bytesize
which returned way more than 65 536, which is the storage limit in bytes of the text
data type in MySQL. Hmmm, sudden light flooded my brain: it is a spanish product and spanish people like to use chars like ç
which is not an ASCII character and needs more space to be stored.
A quick test in IRB proved my wild hypothesis.
'c'.bytesize #=> 1
'ç'.bytesize #=> 2
Meaning truncating upon character length is not enough if the content has non-ASCII chars.
Let’s add a test for this new case:
# spec/models/my_model_spec.rb
describe '#truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size' do
context 'when the target_column field is blank' do
it 'throws no error' do
described_class.create(target_column: nil)
context 'when the target_column field is too long' do
context 'when it has only ascii chars' do
it 'truncates it' do
max_length_of_target_column = 65_535
target_column = 'a' * (max_length_of_target_column + 1)
cre_request = described_class.create(target_column: target_column)
expect(cre_request.target_column.length).to eq(max_length_of_target_column)
context 'when it starts with two unicode chars' do
it 'truncates it and removes two more normal characters to compensate the extra space unicode needs to store chars' do
max_length_of_target_column = 65_535
target_column = 'çç' + ('a' * max_length_of_target_column)
cre_request = described_class.create(target_column: target_column)
expect(cre_request.target_column.length).to eq(max_length_of_target_column - 2)
And don’t forget to pimp up the hotfix:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size
def truncate_target_column_to_fit_into_max_storage_size
return if target_column.blank?
max_field_size_in_bytes = 65_535
self.target_column = target_column[0, max_field_size_in_bytes]
while target_column.bytesize > max_field_size_in_bytes
self.target_column = target_column[0..-2]
And Taa Daa, the errors disappeared into thin air. In the real application these fields we had problems with are not filled by the user, but our automated processes. Meaning, after a fresh Rails 4 deploy this was quicker than talking with other departments and changing the business logic.
Rails 6 added String#truncate_bytes to truncate strings to a maximum bytesize without breaking multibyte characters or grapheme clusters 🐿
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